
  1. RCC KN - Closure Seminar

    ​Online  - 14.09.2021 - 03.00 pm to 05.00 pm

    In the framework of the RCC|KN project, the project partnership is organising a closing online seminar on 14 September 2021. The aim of this seminar is to present the project as a whole, its objectives and the technical challenges met during 4 years of research. The result is the creation of a virtual platform for cross-border experimentation in the field of energy efficiency in buildings. The different partners of the project will present the activities of their respective laboratories, the pooling of their laboratory equipment, the experimentation and the distance learning carried out thanks to the RCC|KN platform. The medium and long term perspectives will also be presented during this webinar.

  2. Grande Région : Soutien interrégional à la recherche 2021


    Vous travaillez pour un institut de recherche en Grande Région et souhaitez diffuser des informations relatives à votre projet en cours et scientifiquement validé ? Le Soutien interrégional à la recherche 2021 vous offre des financements complémentaires pour des actions de dissémination visant l’espace transfrontalier.

  3. Retrospective Spring 2020: The Covid-19 Border Closures

    A year ago, the Covid-19 pandemic led to massive and abrupt border closures. Especially the Greater Region with its close interconnections was affected: students, cross-border workers, families or other commuters at the border experienced the separation as a significant cut in their professional and everyday life. Currently, the border is again becoming perceptible, particularly in the Franco-German zone, due to stricter entry regulations and testing requirements. The UniGR-Center for Border Studies (UniGR-CBS) looks back on the border closures, which are still being debated.

  4. Final seminar Pth4GR²ID

     PtH4GR²ID Projet

    The UniGR cordially invites you to the final seminar of the PtH4GR²ID energy transition project, which will take place online on January 21, 2021 from 15:00 to 17:00.

  5. "Live Chat" Master in Border Studies

    MABS Livechat

    Interested in the Border Studies Master? Learn more about the international and multilingual master programme and discuss with our teaching team in our live chat on February 24, 2021 at 4PM, within the "Master Days of the University of Luxembourg".

