Research and Teaching

Research and Teaching

The six UniGR partner universities aim at intensifying their collaboration in research and teaching.

The focus areas in this context include three so-called key areas: Biomedicine, Border Studies, and Materials Science & Resource Efficiency. In these areas, all universities have great potentials for jointly using and developing existing strengths and resources, which can thus act as drivers of the development of the Greater Region. Cooperation in these three areas will receive special support from the partner universities, as well as from the Central Office of the UniGR.

Cross-border initiatives between UniGR partners for research and teaching in any other specialist areas will, of course, also be promoted and sponsored.

You would like to launch a cross-border project in the Greater Region and need practical support for organisation and communication purposes? Or are you simply looking to get in touch with relevant contacts? If so, the UniGR officers can help you out with the implementation of your idea.

The following pages give comprehensive information on existing activities, projects and networks under the umbrella of UniGR.

Information on funding by the UniGR can be found here, for more information on practical support for your project offered by the UniGR team, please click here.